Dragon has launched a new 1/700 scale kit in its Sea Power series. The subject is HMS Invincible (R05), a light aircraft carrier of the Invincible class. As a Premium Edition release, the ship has been completely overhauled to meet the very highest standards expected of a modern-day kit. The 20,600-tonne carrier was launched in 1977 and was commissioned in 1980. The carrier’s runway is 170m long, including the “ski jump”, and the vessel itself is 194m long. It has had an interesting life, originally being slated for sale to the Royal Australian Navy in 1982. However, the sale was scuttled when Argentina invaded the Falkland Islands on April 2 1982, and three days later a naval task including HMS Invincible was steaming towards the South Atlantic. During the short but brutal conflict to reclaim the Falklands, Argentina claimed it damaged the vessel, but this assertion was categorically denied by the UK.
Dragon’s Premium Edition release is designed to coincide with the 25th anniversary of the Falklands conflict, and the kit shows HMS Invincible as it appeared at that time. There is a lavish inclusion of photo-etched parts for components like the radar and railings. The superstructure is finely detailed, and the overall look perfectly captures this carrier’s appearance while deployed on operational duty at this time. The sale of HMS Invincible to Australia was revoked and it was eventually decommissioned on August 3 2005, but it could be reactivated any time before 2010 if necessary. In the meantime, Dragon has reactivated the carrier with this stunning 1/700 scale kit, an ideal companion for the previously released HMS Sheffield!