"For the serious student of WWII history, or the modeler looking for inspiration from this savage battle, they need look no further than this volume!"
More about this book: This handy volume details the German efforts to reduce Stalingrad, with the focus entirely on the German army rather than on their Russian counterparts. The knowledgeable author has provided a clear and accurate text that backgrounds the conflict and the key phases of the battle, from the German approach to Stalingrad on 22 August 1942, through to the capitulation of the remnants of Generalfeldmarschall Von Paulus' 6th Army on 2 February 1943. In between was a ferocious battle that the German "landsers" christened "der Rattenkrieg" ("the rat war"). The text also lists an order of battle for the German 6th Army that was annihilated at Stalingrad, and a description of a typical Wehrmacht infantry regiment.