The battle seemed to last an eternity, as elf and man struggled to the last. Blinding speed and expert skill was pitted against brute strength and fanatical rage. Tethelis found himself face-to-face with the Norscan leader, exchanging blow after blow in a savage melee. At last, the Sentinel commander made a desperate lunge and stilled the Norscan’s heart on the point of his sword. Tethelis could not resist adding a final taunt as he stared into the Norscan champion’s eyes. “You lose.”
- From “The Eclipse of Hope"
The Eclipse of Hope, the fifth Battle Pack in The Morrslieb Cycle for Warhammer: Invasion The Card Game! When the High Elf Tethelis and his Silver Spears swiftly defend Lothern from a band of Norscan warriors, their victory proves short-lived. After all, the light of Morrslieb lends dark powers to the servants of Chaos, and unexpected enemies may strike at a moment’s notice...
And in the included short story by Ross Watson, a High Elf leader is wary of the ominous signs in the night sky. Although Morrslieb’s influence is beginning to wane, Tethelis and his Silver Spears will soon learn that the worst of its power is yet to be seen.